Kelly Woodlawn United Methodist Church is pleased to introduce its new Pastor, Rev. Innis L. Miller, III. Former pastor Rev. Andrea Davidson left to resume her ministry on the east coast after June to be of service to family in declining health. Another dynamic young preacher, Rev. Miller was chosen by our District (Lake South) and our Conference (Northern Ilinois) to continue the work of ministry to our Park Manor and Woodlawn community areas.
An invitation is extended . . .
Rev. Miller is a modern day “circuit rider” (a reference to the intrepid 19th century Methodist preachers who spread the Gospel over wide areas by traveling from town to town to reach “circuits” of churches). In addition to Kelly Woodlawn, Pastor Miller also serves Grace UMC in Blue Island, Illinois. To accommodate this busy “circuit rider,” Kelly Woodlawn Church is shifting its Sunday worship services from 10:30am to 11:00am effective July 2, 2023.
Great things are happening at Kelly Woodlawn. God is on the move. Come and join a movement of God here at Kelly Woodlawn United Methodist Church.