Order of Worship, October 30, 2022

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Celebration of 70 Years of Ministry & 15th Church Anniversary
Theme: “Still Strong”
October 30, 2022
10:30 am

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L= Leader C= Congregation
Liturgist: Rev. Andrea Davidson
Minister of Music: Mrs. Andrea Moore-DeMartre

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L:  Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord!
C:  Praise the Lord! Give thanks to our God!
L:  God has blessed us and brought us to this time.
C:  God has blessed us and brought us to this place.
L:  God has caused God’s name to dwell in our midst.
C:  God has stirred our hearts and made us glad.
L:  God has shown us God’s glory in the word.
C:  God has shown us the way of truth and life.
L:  Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord!
C:  Praise the Lord! Give thanks to our God!
L:  For 70 years in this place and 15 years as a merged church, God has nurtured and fed us.
C:  For 70 years in this place and 15 years as a merged church, God has shown us grace.
L:  For 70 years in this place and 15 years as a merged church, God has given God’s self in Word and Sacrament.
C:  For 70 years in this place and 15 years as a merged church, God has empowered us with the Holy Spirit.

L:  For 70 years in this place and 15 years as a merged church, God has made us witnesses in the world.
C:  For 70 years in this place and 15 years as a merged church, God has placed us in loving fellowship with one another.

L:  Praise the Lord for 70 years in this place and 15 years as a merged church! Praise the Lord for more!
C:  Praise the Lord for evermore! Oh, praise the name of the Lord!

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We’ve Come This Far By Faith
Songs of Zion #192

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L: With thanksgiving for the past and hope for the future, let us dedicate ourselves and our lives to the mission, which God gives us as the Church of Jesus Christ in this place.

C: Almighty God, we give you thanks for the work you have done in this place. We give you thanks for your love and faithfulness. When we called on your name, you made your presence known to us. When we prayed, you heard us. When we preached your Word and administered your Sacraments, you were in our midst. You have accepted our humble sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving. You have listened to our confessions and forgiven our sins. And you have sent your Holy Spirit to heal and comfort our hurts, our sorrows, our infirmities, and our losses.

L:  Continue to empower us with your Spirit, O Lord, that we might proclaim your Gospel to all people.

C:  We dedicate our lives to your service.

L: Help us to witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ in all that we do and say.

C: We dedicate our lives to your service.

L: Show us how we might give care and support to the needy, love and mercy to the broken and forlorn.

C: We dedicate our lives to your service.

L: Show us new ways of loving one another and those around us.

C: We dedicate our lives to your service.

L: Break down those prejudices and barriers which divide us, and make us all one in your Son, Jesus Christ.

C: Hear our prayer, O Lord.

L: Renew us by the Spirit, given at our baptisms, so that we might be challenged to move beyond our ruts, our apathy, and our anxieties of inadequacy.

C: Hear our prayer, O Lord.

L: Grant that we may continually grow in grace and in the ministry that you give us as members of your royal priesthood, the priesthood of all believers, so that we may carry out our mission of service and love.

C: Hear our prayer, O Lord.

L: Continue to comfort, heal, and lift up the broken and afflicted among us. By the promise of your presence, bring us your healing love.

C: Hear our prayer, O Lord.

L: Bring us at last to the joy of your eternal kin-dom, where, with the faithful of this church who have gone before us and with all your saints, we may evermore praise your name.

C: Hear our prayer, O Lord.

L: Holy God, draw our hearts nearer to you, guide our minds, fill our imaginations, control our wills and make us wholly yours. Use us as you will, to the glory of your holy name and the welfare of your people; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen.

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Mrs. Deborah Williams

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Ms. Lois Travillion

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Andrea Moore DeMartra Oct. 1st
Shirley Tyler Oct. 4th
Lita McClinton Oct. 13th
Rev. Andrea Davidson Oct.15th

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Presented to Mr. Edward Wilson

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How Great Is Our God

The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty;
let all the earth rejoice, let all the earth rejoice.
He wraps himself in light, and darkness tries to hide;
it trembles at his voice, trembles at his voice

How great is our God!
Sing with me, “How great is our God!”
And all will see how great, how great is our God!

Age to age he stands, and time is in His hands;
Beginning and the End, Beginning and the End.
The Godhead Three in One, Father, Spirit, Son,
the Lion and the Lamb, The Lion and the Lamb

Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing, “How great is our God!”

Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee.
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee.
How great Thou art, how great Thou art

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Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 40:28-31
The Epistle: Ephesians 6:10

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The Kelly Woodlawn Choir

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Rev. Dr. Jacques Conway
Lake South District Superintendent,
Northern Illinois Conference of the UMC

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Great Is Thy Faithfulness
United Methodist Hymnal #140

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Rev. Andrea Davidson

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Mrs. Deborah Williams,
Anniversary Chairperson

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“I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me”

I’m gonna live so (live so) God can use me, anyway Lord, anytime.
I’m gonna live so (live so) God can use me, anyway Lord, anytime.
I’m gonna work so (work so) God can use me, anyway Lord, anytime
I’m gonna work so (work so) God can use me, anyway Lord, anytime

I’m gonna pray so (pray so) God can use me, anyway Lord, anytime
I’m gonna pray so (pray so) God can use me, anyway Lord, anytime

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Rev. Dr. Jacques Conway

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Published by Keith Laten Williams

a Kelly Woodlawn church internet, social media and computing specialist