“Our God (is Greater)” was played by Mrs. Andrea D. Here is a clip of Mrs. Andrea D. reading the lyrics to this song.

Lyrics to “Our God (is Greater)” read by Mrs Andrea D.

And a YouTube link of “Our God (is Greater)” by Chris Tomlin.

The Holy Scriptures for the service were from:

  • Mark 1: 16-20
  • Ephesians 4: 20-32
The reading of the Holy Scriptures by Mrs Lita M..

The Hymn of Preparation was “I Really Love the Lord” written by Charles Nicks. Before playing this piece, Mrs. Andrea D. read the lyrics. You may listen to them in the clip below.

Lyrics to “I Really Love the Lord” read by Mrs. Andrea D.

You may listen to this YouTube link of a performance by the Fellowship Chorale.

The sermon was inspired by a phrase often associated with the pandemic, “a new normal.”

“A New Normal” preached by Rev. Dr. Michelle Taylor Sanders

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Published by Keith Laten Williams

a Kelly Woodlawn church internet, social media and computing specialist